• a study in pink 心得    相關企業商業資訊
    1. PINK服飾店

      電話:076236092    地址:高雄市小港區平和路85號
    2. pink拉拉


      電話:03-3645210    地址:桃園縣桃園市大原路
    3. PINK粉色茶飲專賣店


      電話:07-3801770    地址:高雄市三民區大豐二路375號
    4. GBST Taiwan Co.,Ltd.

      GBS started as a trading company in 2003 to serve the semiconductor market in Singapore. Its earlier products were mainly precision machined parts from Korea which were fast becoming a commodity as the industry matured. In order to remain relevant in the marketplace, a better definition was made to ...

      電話:03-5359979    地址:新竹市北區東大路二段83號5樓之7
    5. THINK PINK 冠馳國際有限公司

      - 義大利品牌 THINK PINK 包包類台灣總代理- 公司年輕有活力,管理人性化。- 公司產品購買員工價- 每月生日員工聚餐- 比照勞基法福利與制度- 隔週休二日- 公司網站 http://www.thinkpink.com.tw

      電話:02-87853306    地址:台北市信義區松山路287巷54號1樓

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